Commercial Agreements/Terms and Conditions

The cost to a business of not taking advice at an early stage can far outweigh the costs in being “business ready”. When it comes to commercial matters, prevention is better than cure and an initial consultation will cost you nothing.

Our team can assist with a wide range of commercial agreements including terms and conditions, supplier agreements, franchising and service agreements and will help ensure you are ahead of the game.

Fixed Fee

The majority of work can be done on a fixed, capped or retainer basis

Having correctly drafted and negotiated commercial contracts to fit with your business needs will add significant value by providing:

  • Greater transparency and certainty between suppliers, customers and your business
  • Minimising any risk there may be to your business in entering key agreements
  • Increased protection in the event something does go wrong
  • Reduced chance of disputes arising
  • Making your business ‘fit for sale’ as part of an exit planning strategy

For a no obligation consultation or quotation please contact Richard Moore